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Hello World

Let's create a simple op to run the essential programming task of greeting the world

  1. Create a directory named hello-world
  2. Inside hello-world create a file named op.yml with the below contents
# you might want to match the name to the containing directory's
name: hello-world

# describe what your op does using markdown
description: echoes hello world, because we gotta start somewhere


# run a container

# use image resolvable via reference alpine:3.6
image: { ref: 'alpine:3.6' }

# invoke echo w/ arg "hello world"
cmd: [ echo, "hello world" ]
  1. verify you're in the right directory by running:

you should see hello-world

  1. run your hello-world op:
$ opctl run hello-world

You will see the running log of the op, and the glorious "hello world" echoed right before the ContainerExited line